C0lor B01L3r


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01 - tr4p3zo1d - Martín Castro
02 - 5p1raL - Martín Castro


Desde Argentina llega un nuevo invitado a la casa de Modismo netlabel. Martín Castro y su nuevo ep "C0l0r B01l3r", quién nos hace viajar por sonoridades únicas y percusiones quirúrgicas que nos revelan hasta el mas mínimo detalle sonoro, la mezcla de ambient e IDM personalizada son un maridaje perfecto para esta época que transitamos. Descargue y disfrute.
Por André Baradit.


From Argentina arrives a new guest in Modismo Netlabel's house. that make us travel trough unique sounds and quirugic percussions that reveal to us the smaller sound details. The mix between ambient and custom IDM are the perfect maridaje to this era. Download and enjoy.
By André Baradit.

Music by Martín Castro.
Virtual instruments (for Software Reaktor), Synthesis / Sound Design and Mix.
Mastered by Dario Tello - 440 Recording studio and audio production (Cordoba, Argentina).
Cover artwork and design by Alisú.


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